I have 2 Business Degrees and have sold over £60m in software in a 10-year career in sales Here are 13 business lessons I learnt the hard way:

1/ No one gives a shit about your degree

What I mean by that is no one is impressed If you think your degree means something in the business world I have news for you Everyone has one.

2/ It's not what you know it's who you know

I used to hate networking because I was shy It held me back but it was a false fear Now I push others to do it ASAP It opens so many doors you've no idea.

3/ There are zero shortcuts

If you want to master business or sales - It will take you a lot longer than you expected - Most will give up - Most will fail You have to put the graft in and even then you might crash and burn It's not a "scarcity mindset" It's reality.

4/ If you have a toxic boss ... run

Complaining to HR will often get you in even more trouble HR is there to make sure the company doesn't get sued If your boss is a bully or an asshole and is awesome at his job you're fucked Life is too short to pick battles you can't win.

5/ Find out what energizes you and do that

Try things out when you're young Don't settle in a job because others tell you to I wasted 5 years in a job I hated for the money Don't be me.

6/ Nobody owes you shit

Harsh but true - You don't deserve anything - You are owed nothing - You earn everything Accept it and get on with it.

7/ You attitude will take you places

Here's a story... 2 people arrive at the interview 1st guy has - Degree + entitled 2nd guy - No degree + eager to learn 2nd guy wins all day every day until the end of time. Positivity and enthusiasm are elite traits Cultivate them.

8/ Get on calls

- Sales

- Negotiation

- Disagreements

Don't hide behind your keyboard P.S. Asking a CEO for a long email response is tres rude. Use your big boy words capiche? Don't be a pansy pants.

9/ Dress well

Dress smart and people will give you a shot and think "gee whizz he might know what he's talking about". Dress like a chimp whos been thrown through a charity shop and you won't even get through a sentence before you've been judged. Dressing well matters.

10/ Stop your whining

Life isn't fair - Sometimes you get fired - Sometimes you have to stay late - Sometimes you have to laugh at the CEO's shitty dad jokes. Complaining solves nothing.

11/ Get a mentor

Or even better a tribe of them. Find someone whos doing exactly what you want to do. Study them but don't be a creeper. Just learn, be cool and be helpful. Or swallow your pride and pay someone Twitter is amazing for this.

12/ Don't take shit from anyone

I don't mean punching Janice in accounts because she ate your sandwich. Just be aware that you might be viewed as a threat and people will test you. It’s the law of nature. But if you allow disrespect once that person will own you.

13/ Say less, listen more

Often what is unsaid is just as important as what IS said. Practice self-discipline and allow people space to talk. Being genuinely interested in people will take you far in business and in life.


18 sentences you can use to get your sh*t together


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